Not Real….

We have become dependent on our devices as a way to keep us always connected to the rest of the world. We have no time to think about responses anymore and our contacts in many cases expect immediate responses to things that can generally wait.

I am experimenting with ways to create a tactile representation of our devices which is not real but holds a piece of real information.
This experiment is lino print on wood with newspaper.




I have been investigating the trend in our culture today which requires us to be photo ready and the self obsession this brings with it. Perceived realities are getting somewhat confused with the realities we are likely to experience, as society is influenced by and taking inspiration from sources such as celebrity culture and reality television instead of learning to be true to themselves.
My selfie represents a moment of reflection, breath of reality,  a rare half a second of solitude in a society in which we are put under constant pressure to be perfect.
